Penny Lochhead, Director
Penny has worked in the sports and leisure sector for over 20 years and has the belief that community sport is key to the future succes of our future Olympic athletes. Without the grassroots development and volunteers working in our communities attracting youngsters to take up a new sport or activity we have no basis for future gold medals. This is why PMR concentrate their time working with these volunteers in supporting club development whether that is with business and club development plans, facility developments planning or attracting funding to grow and sustain their clubs.
Penny’s extensive network of sports professionals helps her clients link across the industry and often clients work together to mutual benefit of their clubs.
The other key passion for Penny is effective community use of our school estate and she has worked tirelessly with a group of colleagues on a voluntary basis to influence the new School Build Programmes in Scotland to ensure safe guards are put in place for community use at affordable rates within fit for purpose designed sports facilities.
In 2004 Penny chaired a working party which convened the inaugural Scottish Sports Development Conference which Penny remains fully involved with and it is a key feature of the Scottish sports calendar today. The aim of this conference is to bring Scottish sports development professionals together to share best practice, undertake CPD, network and discuss industry issues of the day. Penny is a Trustee of the Nancy Ovens Trust, which promotes play for young people in Scotland and awards 4 play awards each year across Scotland to communities displaying best practice.
Wendy E Sheldrick, Research Manager
Wendy’s core skills lie with excellent organizational skills which include full office management, administration and financial planning for both PMR and clients to ensure they have a sustainable business model to take forward.
Due to the ‘Team’ approach of PMR, Wendy similar to Penny works closely with clients at all times which builds confidence in our clients for their liaison throughout the project
Wendy’s analytical experience and data control will enable the Project to keep clear timescales and report production as agreed. Wendy will work closely with Penny on the consultation process along with the auditing for projects. She has worked extensively and led on many of our funding bids and is well known by all our clients and has full knowledge of community clubs and alternative delivery models for sporting organisations.