Falkirk Council

We believe in working in partnership with our clients and have many examples of long-term relationships that demonstrate the quality of work we deliver and an understanding of our clients needs now and in the future. Falkirk Council is an example of such a relationship where our work has included:

  • Advising them and Forth Valley NHS on the development of a Physical Activity Strategy for Falkirk.
  • A commission from the Central Scotland Forest Trust to work with them, British Waterways and Falkirk Council as their community engagement consultants for the £25 million application for the Helix project to the Big Lottery Fund’s Living Landmark Fund.
  • Leading the development of a partnership responsible for the creation of a Sports Delivery Plan. This included an extensive consultation process with sports clubs, Governing Bodies of Sport and other sporting organisations (including the Council’s Leisure Services Department) in the public and private sector. The result was the provision of a Sports Delivery Plan/Action Plan that will inform the development of sport in Falkirk over the next few years.

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