

The team at PMR have worked across much of Scotland’s sporting landscape. We have assisted communities through direct delivery of new pavilions and sports pitches, through to Local Authority Facility Strategies and engaging communities affected by housing developments, achieving a benefit for all concerned.

Our reputation and ability to ensure a client’s outcome is achieved has seen us bring about an investment of over £40m into the Scottish sporting landscape. However, much of this funding has been gained through Lottery funding and other Third Sector funders which is now reducing rapidly. Coupled with the cut backs in Local Authorities the community sport landscape is facing a major challenge.

PMR offers expertise that can bring about change to our communities which is sustainable but requires those involved to think outside the box on how partnerships can be created to achieve a ‘win, win’ for all those involved in developing communities – housebuilders, Local Authorities, community sports clubs.

PMR have associate companies that they work alongside with on projects that require multi-disciplinary expertise.

The changing interaction in our sporting landscape.

Click on boxes to new pages where we explain what our expertise is in for each of those market places. (we need to insert into the centre of the graphic PMR, demonstrating we are enablers and facilitators between all three parties)

 Community Sport

Statutory Sector

Private Developers and House Builders

Community sport – ‘Vision to reality’

With 25 years of partnering community sports clubs to help them achieve their vision. There are no challenges that we have not faced and helped to overcome. Our role is always working in partnership with our club client and is based on honesty and openness and often taking clients down a new route to sustainability than they envisaged.

We are proud of the achievements we have been involved with across Scotland, developing a plethora of community sports facilities and supporting others to become stronger and more viable. We are often referred to as the ‘glue’ that brings a club and potential partners together to achieve something special.

We offer the following services;

  • Project Planning, Management and Market Research
  • Organisational change leading to investment ready clubs
  • Asset transfer advice and delivery
  • Facilitation and Mentoring of Community Sports Club Development
  • Project coordination
  • Sports Development Planning and Strategy
  • Funding Strategies and Solutions
  • Facilitation of Partnership Working
  • Feasibility Studies and Business Planning
  • Strategic Facility Planning and Design Advice
  • Sport and Social Enterprise Development
  • Community Consultation
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Club skill audits
  • Business Planning workshops
  • Communication skills and training workshops
  • Developing staff roles and recruiting staff

See our case studies demonstrating how we can help you


Pictures of Spartans, Broxburn, Larbert track,  Foxlake, Inch Park, Catto Park, Linlithgow,



Our project would never have been achieved without the professionalism, dedication, guidance and overall support of PMR Leisure.

Alan Cunningham, Chairman, Broxburn United Sports Club


PMR deliver where others just talk about it “

Malcolm Gillies, Founder, Inch Park Community Sports Club

It is so refreshing to deal with consultants who understand the need of a community and who want to understand the needs of a community – to actually listen and take on board what people say.

South Kintyre Sports Council, Argyll and Bute


Private Developers & House builders

With the upturn in the market and the Government agenda for more housing we will see our communities grow all around us. However, much of this development is taking little cognisance of how greenspace and sport sits within it and will serve our communities long term.

Communities often see the developer coming and resist on principal as they fundamentally see little benefit to the wider community.

If you engage the community from an early juncture, using our skills to understand the needs of the community, you can address these issues within your plans from the start, relieving you of headaches and planning objections later down the process, which ultimately can hold up your development. We know we can help you get to planning in a shorter time through using our expertise.

We offer the following services:

  • Credibility in the Scottish sporting landscape, when negotiating with Local Authorities and statutory agencies, such as sport
  • Deliver a sport and greenspace audit for the local area, to help you justify provision.
  • Identify the gaps in provision, where you can help i.e. don’t offer a synthetic pitch if there is one in the area, but they may need a clubhouse.
  • Negotiate and be a fundamental link to the Local Authority, as we speak their language of sport, education and community.
  • Undertake community engagement, with sports clubs, schools, community organisations and the general public leading up to public meetings, ensuring a buy in from the community.
  • Development of supporting documentation for Planning applications.
  • Identify local partners who can run and manage greenspace and sports provision once the development is complete, which could be through an asset transfer solution, through a Section 75.
  • Help maximise your community impact of enabling contributions through strategic delivery and through the knowledge and relationships we have with relevant national agencies and Governing Bodies.

In essence we become an enabling and facilitating conduit on your behalf, whilst getting the best for you and the community you are developing.

See our case studies demonstrating how we can help you


Pictures – Spartans, Catto Park,


I required the assistance of a Professional organisation, who could provide a depth of knowledge and experience. The research which they have undertaken has been both diligent and thorough, displaying a clear empathy and understanding of the local requirement.

PMR will continue to be an integral part of our “team” providing highly professional, reliable and honest sporting facility consultancy and expertise.

Ian Grant, Vice Chairman, Peterhead Football Club

Their knowledge of community sport in Scotland is second to none and has been immensely helpful in shaping SIS’s investment activity in this area.

Alastair Chief Executive, Social Investment Scotland






























Statutory Sector

Our work across the statutory sector includes Education, Sport and Community Services, Leisure Trusts, Community Regeneration Agencies, sportscotland and National Governing Bodies.

As the traditional delivery arm of community sport in our landscape, we have seen the changes that have occurred in recent years through reducing budgets creating a challenge for local authority officers and how they deliver in their communities.

Partnership working and delivery through Third Sector are now at the forefront of how many services will be delivered in the future and particularly with the Community Empowerment Bill it will bring a greater focus on how community sport is delivered.

As consultants who work in the community sport arena, we believe that good partnership working and financial sustainability through a robust capital and revenue plan has to be in place before any asset transfer is considered. We do not see that asset transfer it the utopia for community sport.

We have worked for many statutory sector organisations and have a full understanding of how community sport and education sectors operate through our involvement in Facility and Pitch Strategies, development of Community Use of Schools Guidance for sportscotland, supported PPP1 and PPP2 schools programme, advised NGB’s and been involved with major National projects.

With the challenges facing local authorities and with an unprecedented housing demand there is an opportunity for community sport to address its challenges if the voice of the community is heard early enough in the process. We can engage your community and help you get the strategy right, enabling planning contributions and Section 75 agreements to achieve the best for sport in your community.

We offer the following services:

  • Sports Facility and Pitches Strategy
  • Community engagement and consultation
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Facility audits
  • Business Planning
  • Options appraisals
  • Strategic planning
  • Development of Design Briefs
  • Enabling and facilitating between Local Authorities and community organisations
  • Asset transfer advice and delivery
  • Facilitation and Mentoring of Community Sports Club Development
  • Project coordination
  • Sports Development Planning and Strategy
  • Funding Strategies and Solutions
  • Sport and Social Enterprise Development
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Club skill audits
  • Business Planning workshops

Pictures – Helix, Inverclyde, Campbeltown pitch, North Lanarkshire schools, Commonwealth Games, National Hockey Centre

Their knowledge and skills were impressive and valuable, their style is professional, informed and is coupled with a warm, friendly, supportive and humorous approach

Jon Reid, Rector, Larbert High School

They bring a strength in experience and independence in their views. PMR have worked alongside East Lothian Council colleagues in supporting the Council in its £4.8m facility Legacy Plans. Their support and role in this development has without doubt enhanced the delivery of the project.

Eamon John, Manager Healthy Living, East Lothian Council


Their ability to engage communities in meaningful discussion that is not possible for local authorities is just one of their unique strengths, but one which creates trust, belief and commitment in a project.

Their ability to interpret a client’s aspirations and test them in the community as well as with national agencies, governing bodies of sport and most importantly funders, to produce tangible plans and strategies to get things done.

Willie Young, former Community Sport Lead Manager, Argyll and Bute Council


I find their ability to understand communities and respond to individuals needs always leads to ‘reaching the unreachable’ and bringing the very best out of every situation they work with always to the benefit of community sport. My team gained practical tools which will enable them to take into their working day.

 Mark Munro, Head of Development, Scottish Athletics















PMR have worked in 25 of the 32 Scottish Local Authorities for a variety of public, private and voluntary sector clients. Each piece of work has involved us liaising with the Local Authority within that area, giving us an excellent network and knowledge base across the world of sport and community development across Scotland.

Click/hover on the map below to see a list of projects we have carried out in each Local Authority.

We would like a map of Scotland with each Local Authority a different colour and have the ability to click into each authority and then this gives you a list of projects names within the authority. This we think is better than the postcode process which looks cluttered and requires long lists on the web site.















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